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  • Dani and Matt Fontanesi

So we've reached Day 100. Now what?

We've been getting a lot of questions about what happens now that we've reached the infamous "Day 100" milestone. Do you still have to live in isolation? What's different now? What does "Day 100" mean?

We decided to answer some of these questions with a little video, and to give you a wee snapshot of our lives right now.

Unfortunately we weren't able to go out to a restaurant on Day 100 as we had planned (as Matt explains in the video), but my BFF, who has been by our side throughout this entire journey -- flying up to Idaho when Matt was first diagnosed, driving an hour roundtrip everyday to do our laundry for us when we were in the hospital, dropping everything in life to rush to my side when I was having (yet another) breakdown -- saved the day yet again! When we found out on Day 99 that we couldn't go out to a restaurant on Day 100, Alia quickly dropped everything and hosted a wonderful Mexican feast (the cuisine Matt was craving) at her (germ free!) house. She even cooked Matt's food extra well-done as per medical restrictions. Thanks, Alia, for being so amazing!

We'd also like to thank Matt's aunt and uncle who hosted us at their house for Days 101-103.

And a HUGE thank you to all of you who continue to follow us throughout this journey. We can't express how much it means to us. You make us feel connected to the outside world at a time when we feel very...well...isolated.

Enjoy the video below (and please excuse my poor editing skills, particularly with the volume. I'm still learning this whole video editing thing)!

Thanks for sticking by our side. We love you all.

Dani xo

[You can click the square icon in the bottom right corner of the video to enlarge it.]

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